Saturday, September 21, 2013

Abbreviated Review: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

Abbreviated Reviews are just that... short, sweet, and to the point. Thanks for visiting.
Premise: Cinder, the cyborg fugitive, has escaped from prison and is desperately searching for answers to her mysterious Lunar past before being captured and killed. Meanwhile, Scarlet's grandmother is missing and a strangely dangerous man, Wolf, offers to help. Both stories reach fever-pitch when they meet up and must work together to evade Queen Levana's forces.

Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles, #2)Title & Author: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
Length: 454 pages
Genre: Science Fiction
Series or Stand Alone: Book 2 in the Lunar Chronicles
Content Appropriate for: Grades 6-12

Three adjectives that describe this book: futuristic, exciting, intriguing

In this installment of Meyer's futuristic revamp of classic fairy tales, the battle between Earth and Luna is rapidly approaching. Wow! Wow! Wow! I loved the first book, Cinder, but Scarlet really ratcheted up the intensity. And the way Marissa Meyer wove in the key elements of Little Red Riding Hood - genius! I also appreciate how the romance element is minimized, realistic, and valuable to the plot. That combination is hard to come by in YA these days. Eagerly awaiting book 3!
5 stars

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