Friday, January 2, 2015

TBR Double Dog Dare

Oh man! This isn't a reading challenge, it's a DARE! The dare is to read only books that you already have for the next 3 months. Exceptions can be made for ARCs, book clubs, etc.

I will also make an exception for the 3 new-release books that I've pre-ordered and one that I have on hold at the library. I did a similar challenge in 2013 and I was DESPERATE to get books from the library by the end. It's a serious challenge to go 3 months without getting any new books -

but I can do it!


  1. It's funny just how are it can be to go 90 days reading only the books we own. I've had a tough time some years, but now it's kind of old hat.

    Have fun with The Dare.
